The installation has been complemented with the basic training to the personnel to learn the basic operation of the apparatus. The specialized company, which collaborates with the North Chemical Park firefighters - with whom SIRUSA has a service agreement -, gave a theoretical and practical seven-hour course on cardiopulmonary resuscitation with automatic external defibrillation. In the future, specific training is planned for 24-hour and 365-day jobs at SIRUSA to cover any emergency of this type.
In case of cardiorespiratory arrest the reaction time is fundamental. Victim survival options decrease by 10% every minute that passes without proper care; That is why it is so important to have an external defibrillator nearby. The main feature of these defibrillators is their ease of use in situations of stress, so that anyone can give this first vital assistance.
The cardioprotected spaces are those that have automatic external defibrillators, easily accessible for the first participants, to achieve defibrillation as quickly as possible after cardiac arrest has occurred, which can happen to anyone, anytime, anywhere. any place.
An automatic defibrillator can be used by non-healthcare personnel with minimal training. Decree 151/2012 of the Generalitat de Catalunya establishes the obligation to have a DEA device and qualified personnel to use it in different types of facilities, public or private.